Monday, November 7, 2011

RDP does blogging!?!?

As I sit here, I don't even know where to begin. I think that it's a bit strange to talk about myself and things that I'm doing... on the internet... to complete strangers. In fact, I'm actually doing it in my best Carrie Bradshaw voice because it makes me feel once removed. Strange, I know.

So here's why I'm here. Inspiration. I want to inspire. I've been inspired by people, by things, movies, catalogs, life, the way my cat lays with her legs all sprawled about and her head turned upside down (I bet that I could name a yoga move after that). I want people to look forward to a new recipe, a new idea, a new flavor combination the way I do. I follow a couple of food blogs myself and get so excited with a new recipe to try.

My goal is to teach a bit, inspire a lot, giggle incessantly and share my knowledge and experience. As with any craft or trade, the best way to learn is from mistakes - hopefully other people's! I plan on reviewing basic techniques, fun recipes and using enough butter to make Paula Dean proud.

Please be liberal with questions, suggestions, ideas, or recipes for me to devour.

Enjoy life one cupcake at a time,